

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Final Thoughts on LTWL109

This class has been a blessing and a curse. I've learned such deeply fascinating and morbidly depressing things from the readings and class discussions. Eye opening facts on the history of human society. It's become progressively difficult to refrain from constant conspiracy theorizing on the "mechanisms of the capitalism machine." It has also allowed me to appreciate the strides modern society has made with human rights whilst still acknowledging how far we still have to go.

One of my first observations on the overall narrative of our class was the repetitive, almost cyclical nature of our human history. Slaves, surfs, sharecroppers, wage slaves. Those in power have been maintaining such power through subversive and overt stripping of humanity from those without power. All for the sake of maintaining and increasing their own power. Reading about the african slave ships being shortly followed by the coolie "free laborer" ships in the post emancipation era only to then be mutated into the mass import and exportation of the bracero Mexican laborers. Even as we moved forward through history in our readings, the deeper narratives hardly changed. The constant separation and guided segregation of peoples for the benefit of the "masters."

There is an apparent burden of knowledge I feel, but it is in many ways empowering. There is also a narrative of a progressive empowerment of the people as time moves forward. Compared to just 50 years ago the US has vastly increased its human equality index. The struggle is constant but I believe the world truths are becoming more accessible to the masses through the new powers of worldwide global communication online.

There is still a candle in the dark chapel we sleep in. Though the winds may bellow, by standing together we may keep alight the flame.

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