

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Illegality of the homosexual

When thinking about the illegality of a populous, especially when we were talking about the the sexual politics of the Coolie or even as far back as the desexualization of the black slave, it renders similar points for me as today's conflict with same-sex marriage and the illegality of the LGBTQ population.
When we discussed the reading by Jung, the Coolie was described to have been surrounded by a heap of sexual politics restricting him from establishing a family, having children, becoming a citizen and reaping the benefits of the "Great United States." The homosexual, in the contemporary moment for those who oppose not only their marriage but also their existence, pose a threat to the sanctity of the country in a few similar ways that the Coolie or any other deemed "illegal" might as well. In the generalized American eye, one who supports the nuclear family and rights for those who assume the same moral and religious ideologies that this country claims to be built upon, the homosexual not only shakes the foundation of the idealized family/ American dream concept but also "endangers traditional marriage"; I put this in quotations because what anti-same sex marriage activists are really claiming is that by marrying same-sex couples, it is not actually "ruining" Christian marriage, but allotting rights to a populous of people deemed undesirable.
I'll digress my thoughts a little bit. In my mind, our country sees the homosexual as undesirable. Why? Because he/she doesn't fit the ideal norm of the country (there's probably more that plays into it). Yet, after being deemed undesirable the homosexual is now limited in rights. How has the country limited rights for those undesirable before? Land restriction, healthcare, human rights, exposure to early death? (I won't even touch on the HIV/AIDs epidemic here) The fact that gay-rights is a constitutional issue, and so on. We get the point. What I'm getting at is the whole illegality of "gay-marriage" isn't an issue of the sanctity of the holiness of marriage or even some far off claim that the Bible says... whatever. The issue of same sex marriage is the rights that the state and the country want to give a populous that is undesirable, devious, brutish, or described as "unnatural."
 Of course there's a lot more to it and probably a lot of you that are much more educated on the inner workings of the issue, that was just my thought process! Thanks for reading ^_^

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